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Cherish life will cherish today.不少人通过朋友圈来发一些经典短句。用句子也可以表达自己的意思,我写句子时经常遇到思路不连贯没有头绪的情况?我们综合各方意见梳理了关于生命的好词好句英语的相关内容,希望这些句子能帮助您理解和尊重不同文化和价值观!


1、你改变不了环境但可以改变自已;你改变不了事实,但你可以改变态度。You can't change the environment but can change yourself; You don't change the fact, but you can change the attitude。

2、如果你晓得怎样利用人生,生命就是长的。If you know how to take advantage of life, and life is long。

3、Understand their own strengths, to choose the life occupation orientation; practice their strengths, to accomplish his career.

4、Choose a life of action, not one of ostentation. ( C. Nepos)

5、Our greatest glory consists not in never falling but in rising every time we fall. ( O. Goldsmith )我们最值得自豪的不在于从不跌倒,而在于每次跌倒之后都爬起来。

6、生命,只要你充分利用,它便是长久的。Life, as long as you make full use of it is for a long time。

7、一个人要发现卓有成效的真理,需要千百万个人在失败的探索和悲惨的错误中毁掉自己的生命。A person to find the truth of a fruitful, need tens of millions of people in the failure of exploration and tragic mistake ruin your life。

8、再过一次人生,我愿意重复我的生活。因为,我向来就不后悔过去,不惧怕将来。Once again in life, I would like to repeat my life。 Because, I don't regret the past, not afraid of the future。

9、Keeping is harder than winning.——创业难,守业更难。

10、生命的意义是在于活得充实,而不是在于活得长久。Is the meaning of life is to live full, and is not live long。

11、世界上只有一种英雄主义,那就是了解生命而且热爱生命的人。There is only one heroism in the world, that is to understand life and love life。

12、There is no sober-minded, fast pace also goes awry; no caution pace, then flat road will fall.没有清醒的头脑,再快的脚步也会走歪;没有谨慎的步伐,再平的道路也会跌倒。

13、Life in a brilliant emerged in the gorgeous, in the ordinary realshow.-- Burke

14、He that endures is not overcome.——强者能屈能伸。

15、无知是生命本身存在的必要条件。如果我们了解一切,我们将无法忍受片刻的生存。Ignorance is a necessary condition for the existence of life itself。 If we know everything, we will not be able to endure a moment's survival。

16、To leave the life, must work steadily; to take life detours, must think thrice before acting.要留下人生足迹,就必须一步一个脚印;要少走人生弯路,就必须三思而行。

17、冰冷的大理石使神恢复了生命。The cold marble restore life to god。

18、Life frustration, is the rainbow after the storm; life is suffering, there is sunshine after rain the sky looks blue.

19、人只有献身于社会,才能找出那短暂而有风险的生命的意义。Only dedicated to the society, to find out the short and has a risk of the meaning of life。

20、Cherish life will cherish today.

21、Cease to struggle and you cease to live。e naturally。如果你想要成功,不要去追求成功;尽管做你自己热爱地事情并且相信它,成功自然到来。

22、Life is not the game of life, or it will be without a single success; can’t live without game, otherwise monotonous boring.生活不能游戏人生,否则就会一事无成;生活不能没有游戏,否则就会单调无聊。

23、He is not only the speed, but also lies in whether we can continue; forward lies not only in speed, but also lies in whether we can maintain the correct direction.


24、For something,we can't understand when we are young but by the time we understand,we are no longer young。有些事情,当我们年轻地时候无法懂得,当我们懂得地时候已不再年轻。

25、Ideal is the beacon. Without ideal, there is no secure direction; without direction, there is no life.Lev Tolstoy

26、世间之活动,缺点虽多,但仍是美好的。Activity of the world, many shortcomings, but it's still good。

27、Life is a leaf of paper white, thereon each of us may write his word ortwo. ( A. Lowell )

28、The noblest vengeance is to forgive.——最高尚的复仇是宽容。

29、You have to believe in yourself 。 That''s the secret of success。人必须相信自己,这是成功地秘诀。

30、The world belongs to the enthusiast who keeps cool.——世界属于能保持冷静的热情者

31、只因生命在继续才盲目地产生信念,这种信念是空的。Because life goes on to produce blindly faith, the belief is empty。

32、Take a step, the longest road also be nothing difficult; remain stagnant, then a short way are hard to reach.迈开脚步,再长的路也不在话下;停滞不前,再短的路也难以到达。

33、如能善于利用,生命乃悠长。Life is long, if can use。

34、It’s true that we don’t know what we’ve got until we lose it, but it’s also true that we don’t know what we’ve been missing until it arrives. 的确只有当我们失去时才知道曾拥有的是什么,同样,只有当我们拥有了才知道曾经失去了什么。

35、posession diminishes perception of value,immediately.

36、you can miss someone who died, you can miss someone who moved away, but the worst is when you miss someone you see everyday.

37、Life frustration, is the rainbow after the storm; life is suffering, there is sunshine after rain the sky looks blue.人生难免经受挫折,风雨过后就是彩虹;生活难免遭受苦难,雨过天晴终有阳光。

38、Our destiny offers not the cup of despair , but the chalice of opportunity . (Richard Nixon, American President )命运给予我们的不是失望之酒,而是机会之杯。7、Don't waste life in doubts and fears. ( Emerson )不要把生命浪费于怀疑与恐惧中。(爱默生)

39、We only live once, but if we work it right, once is enough.


41、Do not, for one repulse, forgo the purpose that you resolved to effor.不要只因一次挫败,就放弃你原来决心想达到的目的。莎士比亚

42、生命是珍贵之物,死是最大的罪恶。Life is a precious thing in the world, death is the greatest sin。

43、Life is not the game of life, or it will be without a single success; can't live without game, otherwise monotonous boring.

44、The most exhausting thing in life is being insincere. ( A. M. Lindbergh)

45、Ordinary working with unusual attitude to complete, simple questions to use a comprehensive thinking to decision, the matter will look at the way, distant ideal rely on real efforts to achieve.平凡的工作要用不平凡的态度来完成,简单的问题要用全面的思考来决策,当今的事情要用将来的目光来审视,遥远的理想要靠现实的努力来实现。

46、Like inquiry can be active thinking, like exercise can improve physique, like mountain forest can recover one's original simplicity, love alone can study hard, like wind builds muscles.


47、If a jewel falls into the mire, it remains as precious as before; and though dust should ascend to heaven, itsformer worthlessness will not be altered.宝石即使落在泥潭里,仍是一样可贵;尘土纵然扬到天上,还是没有价值。

48、If winter comes,can spring be far behind?P.B.Shelley

49、Our destiny offers not the cup of despair,but the chalice of opportunity.(Richard Nixon, American President )

50、Dont part with your illusions. When they are gone you may still exist, but you have ceased to live.Mark Twain

51、No matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progress, you are still way ahead of everyone who isn't trying。无论你犯了多少错,或者你进步得有多慢,你都走在了那些不曾尝试地人地前面。

52、one's real value first rests in to what degree and what sense he liberates from himself.

53、革命理想,不是可有可无的点缀品,而是一个人生命的动力,有了理想,就等于有了灵魂。Revolutionary ideal, not the ornament of dispensable, but rather a personal life, have ideal, is to have a soul。

54、人生不售来回票,一旦动身,绝不能复返。Life is not return ticket, once started, can never return。

55、Vainglory blossoms but never bears.——虚荣只开花,永远不结果。

56、Do what you say,say what you do。做你说过地,说你能做地。

57、生命的意义在于付出,在于给予,而不是在于接受,也不是在于争取。Is the meaning of life is to give, give, is not accepted, also is not fighting for。

58、You cannot improve your past, but you can improve your future。 Once time is wasted, life is wasted。你不能改变你地过去,但你可以让你地未来变得更美好。一旦时间浪费了,生命就浪费了。

59、The man who has made up his mind to win will never say Impossible“.(Napoleon)凡是决心取得胜利的人是从来不说“不可能”的。(拿破仑)

60、If you can make good use of, life is long.-- Seneca

61、过去的错误的学说不宜忘掉不谈,因为各种真理都要在和错误斗争之中,才能维持他们的生命。Theory with the past mistakes should not forget, because all kinds of truth are in error and struggle, to sustain their lives。

62、In the life long journey with many detours, path, dangerous road, dark road, only the strong-willed and never stop the people, will have hopes of reaching the victory away.

63、The important thing in life is to have a great aim,and the determination to attain it.J.W.Goethe

64、Do not,for one repulse, give up the purpose that you resolved to effect.William Shakespeare

65、生,我所欲也;义,亦我所欲也。二者不可得兼,舍生而取义者也。I want; Righteousness, also I desire also。 But if I cannot get both, give birth and take righteous one also。

66、Although again sweet candy, also has a bitter day。即使再甜地糖,也有苦地一天。

67、Don’t waste life in doubts and fears. ( Emerson )

68、Who can enrich each moment by deep contents, who is in the unlimitedextension of their lives.-- Kurtz